It’s 9:14 A.M. and I hear an owl outside my window. A rare and welcome reflection of nature in the crowded metropolis. Where are you staying, little guy? Why are you awake during the hours of humans? Whatever your circumstance, stay safe.
I normally consider myself a night owl, but lately I’ve been, like our 9:14 friend, finding myself awake much earlier than I’m used to. Late nights, studio sessions, and a marathon karaoke session have all carried me into the deep nights if not dawn; while my circadian rhythm has been adjusted to what the lay-doctor might call “healthy” (read - no matter what, my brain wakes me up at 7:00) by mountain climbing and the ever present school (pronounced “skull”).
I’m beginning to think that this childhood favorite is actually a beautiful comedy gem.
And that’s another owl appearance! There must be something aligning in the stars.
Yep, you heard it right, I’m finally making the consistent pilgrimage to percussion. It feels good but not perfect. Anyone with a hobby can relate - when you have to borrow a generic model of something that you own, know, and love, the differences become crystal clear. It shouldn’t be a surprise, given that these studios have dozens of rooms each with a kit, but the kits supplied are… not great. The drums themselves are largely spectacularly mediocre, but the cymbals are the real crime. I shudder to even describe their lack of resonance and tone. I feel like I’m playing a toy rather than an instrument. But nonetheless I’m happy to be back behind the kit. And as I’ve often experienced in music, limitation breeds creativity.
Mountain climbing!?
An hour South of the Tokyo metropolis stands personal favorite Mt. Takao. It’s been five months since I last hiked its trails and spent a whole day in nature. This time around I stayed even longer, exploring new trails as well as old favorites, and taking time to appreciate the nature I so often take for granted. “What the heck is that!?” was the phrase of the day.
Though it was my third time climbing the mountain, it was also potentially my last (for a while). It’s easy to feel sentimental while looking at cities from above, and beautiful rolling hills in the distance. With only five weeks left in the country, every occasion could be my last. On that note, how many things have I already done for the last time? For me, the earlier I consider and reflect on those experiences the better. These are the times to prioritize doing my favorite things again while I still have the opportunity.
Just to tie things together, here’s the kanji for owl: 梟 (fukurou). One of the kanji that really clicks when you know how its pieces fit together, this one simply blends the kanji for bird, 鳥 and tree, 木.
Let’s make the most of our spring, and enjoy the natural world.
With love,
I read your blog post on Sunday on my phone and read it again today on my computer. The photos you took are breathtaking! I'm so glad you are making time to do the things you enjoy while you still can.
Stunning photos! I'm so glad you're drumming and hiking, even with all the time and effort you're putting in at SKULL! ;-) And love it that the owls are talking to you!